Port KC Updates: COVID-19

Apr 3, 2020

This page serves as a summary for all Port KC updates related to COVID-19. We will update regularly with links to more information and/or resources.

Our team is working remotely. Please still reach out to staff via phone and email.


  • We worked with our longtime partners, AltCap, and other community leaders to build the KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund. This loan fund is designed to help KC small businesses now. UPDATE: Applications are currently closed due to high demand.
  • Resources for Richards-Gebaur Tenants and all small business tenants with operations affected by COVID-19:
  • Regarding the Isle of Capri casino sale, The Missouri Gaming Commission is expected to take up Twin Rivers Resorts license approval for the Isle of Capri Casino in April after a one-month delay. This approval would green light purchase of the property.

Port of Kansas City and the Missouri River

  • The US Army Corp of Engineers has cut back on water releases to allow for levy repairs. Kansas City’s levees are in good shape.
  • We received fertilizer via barge and liquid salt via rail in March.
  • We expected 18,000 tons of coal slag in March and April. This has been put on hold. We ship out scrap metal in the empties created when the coal slag is unloaded, so scrap metal is also on hold.
  • We are working on more leads to increase tonnage for late 2020. Ports can operate year-round depending on weather and global economic conditions.

Berkley Riverfront Park

  • The park remains open! Enjoy the fresh air and enjoy our trails.
  • Please respect teach other and our park – social distance and pick up your trash.
  • The fitness court and volleyball courts are closed to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
  • We were massively tagged with graffiti earlier this month. That is all cleaned up!
  • We have made improvements to the Town of Kansas Bridge entryway. We continue to look at more improvements to accentuate this gateway from the City Market to the riverfront.
  • Events through April 30th are currently on hold. Many events will reschedule for later in the year.